Mario-Liviu Vancea
Romania, 2006
Mario Liviu Vancea was born in Cluj-Napoca, Romania in July 4 th , 2006. In the primary school, he followed the courses of „Augustin Bena” School of Music. Then he graduated the next four years of gymnasium at Musical College “Sigismund Toduţa” in Cluj-Napoca, Romania where he is enrolled now in the 9 th grade, starting here his high-school this Fall. During these 8 years of musical study he participated in many musical interpretation contests, obtaining important recognition of his work and musical activity.
Mario strongly wants to follow a musical carreer, that is why in 2018 he participated to The International competition of young musicians, in Ohrid, Macedonia where he obtained the 1st prize and the competition trophee at his age category.
Also in 2018, Professor Mauro Iurato had accepted Mario’s enrollment to his class for 4 individual master-classes, in the time interval July 21-28, 2018, at “Alfonso X el Sabio” University in Madrid, in the framework of Forum Musikae 2018, receiving good appreciation for his overall activity and future potential.
Although the actual pandemic context has drastic limited organizing many previously scheduled contests, 2021 brought Mario-Liviu 5 classifications as the 1st prize at national level interpretation contests, at two of them receiving also the important distinction of diploma of excellence.