Duo Baron-Fleury
The Baron-Fleury duo was founded in 2021 at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels (Royal Conservatory of Brussels) by Pierre-Alain Baron (violin) and Pierre Fleury (piano), after having studied in France, respectively at the Paris Regional Conservatory and at the Aubervilliers Regional Conservatory. The group forged its sound throughout its schooling, with Éric Robberecht (co-Konzertmeister at the Monnaie symphony orchestra) and Thomas Dieltjens (pianist of the Het Collectief).
From the start, the two musicians have been keen to shape a repertoire that suits them, playing both the most famous works and the less explored works : for example, the duo has decided, in 2023, to play and record a sonata by George Antheil from 1923, exactly a century ago, to help publicize this little-known work.
Apart from their studies at the Brussels Conservatory, Pierre-Alain Baron and Pierre Fleury have received advice from Stéphanie Moraly and Romain David, great specialists in this repertoire, but also from teachers like Yossif Ivanov, Isabelle Grandet, Inge Spinette, or Jan Michiels.