Wang Hoi Cheng
Singapore, 2008
Wang Hoi, aged 12, has been surrounded by sounds of music making from his earliest days. At 5, he was accepted into the Gifted Young Violinists Programme at the Nanyang School of Young Talents and was selected for programmes like the UK New Virtuosi Mastercourse and the Singapore Violin Festival and had lessons with renowned professors. He was the only violin 1st prizewinner at Singapore's 2019 National Piano & Violin Competition. He was also 1st prizewinner of the 2019 Alessandro Giuliani Competition and has performed at the Wiener Konzerthaus & MDW during the 2018 Classicpure Vienna and 2019 Vivaldi Competitions.
Asides from being a soloist, he performs with the Singapore National Youth Orchestra and is involved in many projects, both live and online, for fundraising and community outreach. He currently studies violin with Junhong Loh and has received his Trinity College Licentiate Diploma.